Drostanolone Inj MAGNUS PHARMACEUTICALS - 100 mg/ml (10 ml)

Drostanolone Inj MAGNUS PHARMACEUTICALS - 100 mg/ml (10 ml)

  • Product Code: Drostanolone Inj MAGNUS PHARMACEUTICALS - 100 mg/ml (10 ml)
  • Availability: 477
  • 69.00€

Drostanolone Inj MAGNUS PHARMACEUTICALS - 100 mg/ml (10 ml)

Generic name - drostanolone propionate

Drostanolone is an androgenic and anabolic product substantially contributing to the muscle density and hardness.

The anabolic effect maintains the optimum nitrogen level so protein synthesis is accelerated.The development of muscle tissues begins rapidly by absorbing protein adequately. As basis of product is a synthetic version of testosterone the estrogen related water retention is eliminated and the muscle development is genuine.

It improves the masculine structure, improves hardness of muscle fibers and decreases body fat. As a nice final touch it enhances sex drive too.

Drostanolone propionate doesnt aromatize, so it does not convert into estrogens. Overall user get strong androgenic effect, but not estrogenic effect. Muscles harden and strengthen and fat is reduced.

As a result of increased oxygen blood flow as basis pf product stimulates production of red blood cells, one can experience an increased physical endurance. Moreover user of product will have a definite change in masculine appearance. It is used during mass gaining to avoid water retention and estrogen effects. Desribed fat burning capacity is 5 to 7 percent.

As a result the muscles get much tougher, hard and a maximum sharpness of masculine look can be attained. The veins are clearly shown up and the physical endurance increases.

Drostanolone Dosage

For the right kind of results Drostanolone should be injected every 3 to 4 days in order to maintain peak levels in the blood stream.

The usual dose is 200 to 350mg per week for men. This product does not strain the liver so it can be used in long cycles.

The normal cycle spans from 6 to 12 weeks and the the PCT supplements have to be taken after.

If advised dosage is overdosed, skin problems, excessive sweating, hair loss and other side effects can occur.

Tags: Drostanolone Inj, MAGNUS PHARMACEUTICALS, drostanolone propionate,


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